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A-Level History Revision

by Anita Naik

Revising for history A-level takes time and effort, as you need to know facts and then be able to turn these into persuasive arguments in your essays. Having facts, without the analysis won't get you a high-grade, neither will having the arguments, without crucial evidence to back your discussions u...

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Are The Mock GCSEs Important?

by Anita Naik

Many students feel mocks are a waste of time and add pressure to an already pressurised year. Yet, mocks have an essential purpose in helping you prepare for your real exams, hone your revision methods and understand your exam technique.

Are the mock exams important?

Mocks are vital because they t...

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How Can Tutoring Help You Print Beautiful 3D Designs With Confidence?

by Cassidy Welling

Everywhere you turn - from high-end furniture shops to more affordable décor stores - 3D printed designs seem to be taking over, in everything from cute bear shapes to futuristic artworks, furniture and frames. The fact is that today, 3D printing is NO LONGER THE EXCLUSIVE REALM of a handful of desi...

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Do I need a tutor for the 11 Plus Exam?

by Anita Naik

Grammar schools (and many selective independents) select their pupils on the strength of their performance in the 11 Plus examination. This exam tests applicants on English and maths, verbal reasoning (VR) and non-verbal reasoning (NVR), something your child may need help with.

Vernal and non-verba...

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Widening The Net: Surprising Careers That Information Technology Unlocks

by Cassidy Welling

In the UK, around 89% OF ADULTS USE THE WEB on a weekly basis, according to the Office of National Statistics. This automatically means that there are devices and COMPUTERS THAT NEED TROUBLESHOOTING and additional services. Being educated or getting educated in the field of Information Technology (I...

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