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How to get your child to read for pleasure

by Anita Naik

World Book Day, is Thursday, March 7th, but the day is about more than dressing up and free book tokens. The mission of this awareness day is to promote reading for pleasure, which has been at its lowest ebb for twenty years. Here's how to encourage your child to read more.

Benefits of reading for ...Read more ›

How to pass GCSE Physics

by Anita Naik

Entries in physics have increased across the UK over the last five years. There is an +8.6% change compared to a change of +6.4% in all GCSE entries. Even better news is that a greater proportion of students achieved good passes in physics in 2023. 90.2% of pupils achieved grade 4/C or higher in phy...

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Everything you need to know about applying to Oxbridge

by Anita Naik

Are you thinking of applying to Oxbridge next year? If so, here's everything you need to know about when to use pre-admission tests and the interview process.

Oxbridge refers to the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, which receive approximately 40,000 applications yearly for unde...

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Best extracurricular for university applications

by Anita Naik

What do universities generally look for with extracurricular activities on personal statements? While the answer is well-rounded individuals who demonstrate qualities that go beyond the classroom, which activities show this best? Is it volunteering, sports, the Duke of Edinburgh or all of this and m...

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How to solve your procrastination habit this academic year

by Anita Naik

When it comes to putting off what you need to do, we're all guilty. According to research, nearly a quarter of us (25%) chronically procrastinate, with those between 14 and 29 years old most likely to procrastinate daily. With that in mind, we look at how to solve your child's procrastination habit ...

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