Blog Posts under Advice

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The Pros and Cons of Online Tuition

by Sara

Many articles have been written about the disadvantages of online tuition. Parents and students have a natural tendency to assume that online tuition can hardly match face to face tuition. Our experience reveals that much depends on what subject is being taught, the age of the student and if the stu...

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January Exams!

by Sara

During the month of January many academic exams are taken by students all over the UK. If you have prepared and revised well in advance you should have no worries sitting your exams. However, some students no matter how well they have prepared for exams they still suffer high stress levels a few day...

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Help with essay writing

by Sara

We receive hundreds of requests from students asking for help with essay writing because it is such an important aspect of many academic subjects.

An essay has been defined in a variety of ways. One definition is a "prose composition with a focused subject of discussion" or a "long, systematic disc...

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Finding a place to study

by Sara

Finding a place to study is a matter of personal taste. Your learning effectiveness declines every time your concentration is interrupted during study. Most students prefer a quiet area away from other people, television or music centres. On the other hand maybe you have learned to study with backgr...

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Why study History?

by Sara

Good question that can be answered by many ancient historians, although many critics would say it all happened a long time ago so why rake up the past? Others would perhaps say who cares about the past I'm too busy living my own life!

The Spanish philosopher George Santayana quoted "Those who canno...

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