Blog Posts under University

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6 Ways University is More Challenging than School

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

On the academic front, the move from school to university can be a challenging one, as there are significant differences. These differences include the level of study, long-term projects, working in groups and getting your work done.

The Level of Study

Although you learned a lot in school, every t...

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3 Tips for Surviving Homesickness

by Grace Dickins

For all the college or university planning you may have done, one thing you probably were not prepared for was homesickness. Many students are initially excited at the prospect of being on their own, but all it takes is one bad day to make you long for the comforts of home. However, there are some g...

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Four bad reasons to transfer Universities

by Sarah Adams

A third of university students will transfer courses, or universities at least one time during their undergraduate years, according However, while there are plenty of viable reasons to transfer, doing so is not always the right move. Let's count down the top four reasons to stay the course...

1. Yo...

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Three Ways You Can Improve Your Personal Statement

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

There are many challenging elements to preparing your college application. For many students, though, writing a personal statement ranks as one of the most challenging. On a few sheets of paper, you must name your most likeable traits, past experiences, extracurricular activities, future plans, and ...

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What Life Skills Do I Need Before University?

by Grace Dickins

Many students who head off to university for the first time have never before lived on their own, which can seem intimidating. There will probably be a lot of things that your parents did for you that you'll now have to do for yourself.

Before you head off to university, here are some life skills t...

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