Blog Posts tagged A Level

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Should A-Level Maths be compulsory?

by Sara

The Heriot-Watt University in Scotland is having to provide top-up lessons for first-year students studying science,technology and engineering. Leading academic, Professor Martin McCoustra claims that skills such as solving equations are no longer taught thorougly at school. Professor Brain Cantor, ...

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GCSE and A-Level exam revision resources

by Sara

Many students will be revising for exams during the next few weeks so we have listed a few sites that provide useful resources and revision material for GCSE and A-Level exams.

GCSE and A-Level Maths

Exam Solutions is a very popular site with endless resources for GCSE and A-Level students.

Get R...

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Why Desire Still Matters: Loving What you’re learning and Learning What you Love

by Sara

Many modern students look at higher education primarily as a means to an end. If you ask any student on a college campus why they're there, chances are they'll tell you it's because they want to improve their qualification for a job, preferably one that includes status and monetary value. Although f...

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UK examination boards under investigation

by Sara

Fortunately, we don't often hear about scams within the education sector in the UK although this week an inquiry has been launched in England and Wales due to claims that some examiners gave teachers "tips" on GCSE and A-level questions. Coincidentally in the USA, educators and students are still ta...

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Record high for A-Level students - Congratulations!

by Sara

Susan from Leicester has just e-mailed us this morning with the good news! "Please let tutor Ian know that Mollie got a B in her Maths A- level exam and says she couldn't have done it without him!

Teenage students have scored yet again another record-breaking year of A-level results, with one in ...

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