Blog Posts tagged Alevel

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Excellent English tutors

by Emily

Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree.

Poorly spoken TV present...

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Debate of the week: Tougher exams for Science GCSEs

by Emily

Science education has been under scrutiny over the past few years. According to various experts, not enough pupils are studying the sciences and the subject is not taken seriously enough, with other, newer subjects such as media studies becoming more popular with students.

This time it's the turn o...

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5 online resources for Business Studies tutors

by Emily

It may be one of the most recent subjects on the curriculum, but Business Studies is - well - serious business! With the economy as it is, it's never been more important for young people to get on top of the subject. Here are some great resources to help out all of those budding entrepreneurs, wheth...

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Debate of the week: American Idol?

by Emily

American universities have always held an appeal for young people across the world. Most British teenagers could name the Ivy League universities and the qualities that their students possess: intellectual, high-achieving and exceptionally talented.

It's perhaps no surprise that more and more of th...

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Helping students prepare for GCSE and A-level coursework

by Emily

Students in their final year of GCSEs or A-levels will now be looking to begin the coursework component of their exams. While the UK system weighs heavily in favour of structured exams, coursework entries can make up to 25% of the final grade, and a strong performance here can make all the differenc...

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