Blog Posts tagged Exam

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Congratulations to all our Scottish students

by Gerry

140,000 Scottish students will be receiving their exam results over the next two days. Those that opted to receive them by email and text will already have received them, while those delivered by post will get them tomorrow.

It has been reported that there are a record numbers of higher passes with...

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Top Ten Exam Survival Tips!

by Hayley Cook

A recent article on NewStatesman ( has criticised exams, stating that they are a 'pointless waste of time' and that the key to passing them is how well you 'play the system'. The article claims that a good exam techn...

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Exam stress getting to you. Don't panic find a goat to stroke!

by first tutors

Last week Bath Spa University was encouraging students to de-stress by setting up a 'petting zoo' where they could go along and stroke a goat or feed ducks. This hasn't gone down too well with animal rights groups, though, who suggest bouncy castles and back massages may be more appropriate!


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How to find a Private Tutor FAST!

by First Tutors

We're approaching the busiest time of the year when everybody comes back from half-term, glances at the calendar and realises there are exams looming around the corner! So, how do you ensure you find a good private tutor in the middle of a stampede? Here's our tips:

1. Always contact more than one ...Read more ›

The Unexamined Life

by Charlie not worth living, according to Plato. But what if our education system changed from being exam-centric to being structured around some other method of determining aptitude?

At present, kids in the UK are tested internally at Key Stage 1 and 3, and nationally at KS2, GCSE, AS and A Level: a ...

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