Blog Posts tagged Gcse

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6 Ways To Get Your Child Motivated At School

by Anita Naik

"School is boring." "These tests don't matter." What's the point of algebra?" "I hate maths." These are just some of the many widespread protests students make about school. If this rings true in your house and you're not seeing the progress you know your child is capable of, here's how to get your ...

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Are The Mock GCSEs Important?

by Anita Naik

Many students feel mocks are a waste of time and add pressure to an already pressurised year. Yet, mocks have an essential purpose in helping you prepare for your real exams, hone your revision methods and understand your exam technique.

Are the mock exams important?

Mocks are vital because they t...

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How to revise for your English Literature GCSE

by Anita Naik

It's a myth that you can't revise for English Literature GCSE. To pass, you need to know the texts but also have more in-depth knowledge about the themes, literary techniques and language used. All of this will show your understanding of English Literature to the examiners, and this is what your rev...

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How to pass Maths GCSE

by Anita Naik

GCSE maths is a core subject that you need to pass as it's a must-have for higher education qualifications, universities, apprenticeships and a wide range of careers.

Passing maths GCSE requires knowledge of various mathematical basics, as well as more advanced maths theory. The following are all c...

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How to select a topic for GCSE English spoken language component

by Anita Naik

The GCSE English Skills component is now called spoken language. It's mandatory but does not count towards your GCSE grade. However, it's assessed separately at Distinction, Merit, Pass or Ungraded.

It's an individual talk of approximately 5 minutes, with questions and applicable in all exam boards...

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