Blog Posts tagged Gcse

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Excellent English tutors

by Emily

Many of us joke that speakers of English as a foreign language often speak better English than most English people. Unfortunately, when you compare the impeccable English of the Dutch or the Swedish with some of the dialogue you hear on English TV, you can't help but agree.

Poorly spoken TV present...

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Exam revision audits

by Emily

Whether you're doing GCSE's, A-levels, Key Stage exams or degree exams, the finishing line is in sight. Even though you're nearly there, there is still some revision work that you can undertake to help boost your chances of success.

Around this time in the exam and revision process, it is really us...

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Nerves of steel

by Emily

This week, we continue our revision tips and tricks series with a look at how to control something that can potentially ruin all of your good work - exam nerves!

If you've ever seen X Factor, you'll know that even the most talented of performers can let nerves overtake their auditions. When the pre...

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Break time

by Emily

One of the best ways to ensure that your exam revision is effective, efficient and manageable, both mentally and physically, is to take regular breaks - no matter how much work you think you need to get done!

The simple fact is that your brain is not able to work for a long time without a rest. If ...

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How to deal with exam stress

by Emily

It doesn't matter how old you are or whether you're taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels - exam stress can affect everybody. It is completely natural and understandable that you would suffer from stress: after all, there's a lot of work to be done, and your exam results can have a huge bearing on your fut...

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