Blog Posts tagged Home

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5 tips for stress-free homework

by Anna Michaelidou

Homework is one of those things that children hate and parents seem to dread. It can be the cause of family arguments and anxiety in those faced with it. But homework doesn't have to be full of stress. With a well-planned after school routine and a few of our simple tips, you can turn homework into ...

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5 signs it's time to finish with your tutor

by Anna Michaelidou

Choosing the right tutor is always a difficult task when trying to find a tutor that will not only connect with your child but ensure that they are successful in helping them learn. However, finding the tutor is not always enough and in some cases the tutor you hire may not be doing the right job wi...

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High Take-up Of Private Tuition By Primary School Pupils Revealed

by Sarah Adams

Nearly half of 11-year-olds among some minority ethnic groups in the UK are receiving private tuition outside of school. Researchers from Newcastle University and from NatCen Social Research have been studying how a cohort of 19,000 primary aged children spend their lives outside of school. They ana...

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Is Homework Pointless?

by Sarah Adams

Education experts have argued that homework is 'completely pointless', says The Guardian.

Mr Bennett, director of the ResearchEd conference announced, "I'm not anti homework- it can be a useful tool - but too often it's an exercise in back covering, or box ticking, with no real thought for the educ...

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Are you a part-time tutor and work at home mum? Tell us your story

by First Tutors

Are you a mum or dad and also a tutor with First Tutors? Do you love the flexibility and work-life balance that part time tutoring provides? Did you adjust quickly to home-work-family life? Has tutoring other children helped you understand your own children's needs?If you found a client through Firs...

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