Blog Posts tagged It

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Group Tuition or Private One-To-One Classes? The New Debate

by Anna Michaelidou

A big question that often comes with private tuition is whether private one-to-one tuition is the best way forward - or is group tuition the way to go? More parents than ever are paying for private tuition to top up their children's education, to ensure they can compete with their peers and secure a...

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Do the Classics put teenagers off reading?

by Sarah Adams

The Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and children's author David Walliams issue a call to publishers and schools to make English pupils Europe's most literate.

Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan argued that:

Books by Authors including Jane Austen and Charles Dickens should be made available for...

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High Take-up Of Private Tuition By Primary School Pupils Revealed

by Sarah Adams

Nearly half of 11-year-olds among some minority ethnic groups in the UK are receiving private tuition outside of school. Researchers from Newcastle University and from NatCen Social Research have been studying how a cohort of 19,000 primary aged children spend their lives outside of school. They ana...

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Is homework an important part of educational success?

by Sarah Adams

Earlier this week, The Daily Mail revealed that parents of Folkestone (Kent) threatened to remove their children from school due to new rulings that students will receive homework!

More than 600 parents have signed the petition to defend the cause because of the lack of time their children will hav...

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Find a tuition centre with First Tutors

by Sara

Tuition centres provide a popular alternative for busy parents who prefer their children to attend centre-based tuition as opposed to one to one home based tuition. Many adult students also find tuition centres an advantage especially when intensive courses are provided at key times of the year.


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