Blog Posts tagged Language

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Discount fees to study abroad - Erasmus

by Sara

The Minister of State for Universities and Science Mr. David Willets, who was responsible for raising tuition fees to £9,000 per year, has surprisingly announced a substantial discount on tuition fees for those students who spend two or more terms at an overseas university.

The UK ranks 25th in t...

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English spelling – the craziest system in the world!

by Sara

For many students that study English as a second language, the majority will agree that learning to pronounce and spell in English can be a nightmare! Although English verbs are simple in comparison to most languages; with the subjugation changing only in the 3rd person ("he sees, she sees") and wit...

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As English grows in size, knowledge becomes more important

by Emily

If you've noticed an extraordinary amount of new English words in use over the past few years, you've noticed one of the most striking phenomena to hit the language in recent memory.

The English language has doubled in size over the last century, giving it an unprecedented level of growth.

That's ...

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Urban Shakespeares

by Emily

Listen to most rap songs and your ears may be assaulted by a cacophony of grammatical errors, dropped consonants and unfamiliar, not to mention uncouth, words.

However, a new exhibition at the British Library, London, entitled Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices, includes a section on rap m...

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To boldly go to where no split infinitive has been before

by Emily

George Bush Jr was as famous for his misuse of English as he was for his policies. One of his habits was the repeated use of split infinitives - one of the most contentious issues in the English language and one that could so easily be rectified by and English tutor.

Star Trek and split infinitives...

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