Blog Posts tagged Learn

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Reading Comprehension Exercises for Adults

by Sarah Adams

The ability to recall and understand the words of a text after reading them is paramount to the broadening of one's knowledge base. After all, the point of reading is to obtain meaningful information that you can then make use of. Reading comprehension skills can be improved upon whether you are in ...

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What Type of Learner Am I?

by Christine Chadwick

Every person has a unique way of approaching tasks and challenges, so it should be no surprise that teaching experts have identified a number of different learning styles. Grouping students into divisions that encompass common learning styles help both student and teacher achieve success at school a...

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6 Traits of Successful Adult Learners

by Christine Chadwick

Adults are returning to school in growing numbers in order to meet the demands of an increasingly competitive job market. Your success or failure as an adult learner depends on traits you may already possess. Those who succeed often display the following characteristics.

1. Goal-oriented

Be aware ...

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How to Stay Motivated in an Online Class

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Online classes offer a learner the option to take a class in the comfort of their own home. Online courses can be more convenient, more cost effective (depending on the course), and can offer the student learning at their own pace. These are just a few benefits of taking an online class. It's no won...

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How we occupied the kids before computers

by Sara

Hooray! School has finished and summer holidays begin. No doubt your children are looking forward to all the fun activities they can do with their family and friends during the 6 weeks holidays most schools enjoy in the UK. Some parents may feel overwhelmed with organising and brainstorming ideas to...

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