Blog Posts under A Levels

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How to Keep Studying in Challenging Times

by Anita Naik

With the news that secondary schools aren't returning until mid-January (at the earliest), and university students even later, it can be hard to stay motivated. Reasons to keep studying are obvious, mocks, exams, GCSE and A-Level prep, but staying motivated in challenging times is hard. Here's how y...

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How to create a mock revision timetable

by Anita Naik

Mock exams have taken on more urgency this year in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even with news of a vaccine, schools are emphasising the importance heavily in case there's a repeat of this year's GCSE and A-Level predictions.

It's just one reason why schools have increasingly used mock exams to ...

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How to Revise the Right Way

by Anita Naik

Studies have found that most students are drawn to ways of revising that don't help them. It's partly down to the fact revision is rarely taught and this, in turn, can sabotage study efforts for an exam. If you're currently studying for mocks here's how to revise the right way.

Don't just read your...Read more ›

Advice for Year 10 and Year 12 Students during Covid-19

by Anita Naik

If your Year 10 and Year 12 are heading back to school, here's what to expect. On June 15, up to a quarter of Year 10 and Year, 12 will be allowed "some contact" with teachers to help prepare for exams.

The aim, says the government is to ensure students get face-to-face time with staff before the s...

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8 ways to motivate yourself to study

by Anita Naik

Learning to be a self-starter when you have to study from home and revise isn't easy. Aside from the fact, there are distractions aplenty; it can be hard to find the motivation to keep to a strict routine and get the work done. Here are 8 tips to help you get it done.

Studying gives a stable struct...Read more ›