Blog Posts tagged R

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Seven Computer Skills Your Child Should Have by GCSEs

by Christine Chadwick

Building on the foundation established during primary school, secondary school students rapidly expand their repertoire of computer skills. Media classes are one opportunity to expand basic computer knowledge while middle school students will find themselves using computers and mobile devices in and...

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Seven Computer Skills Your Child Should Learn in Primary School

by Christine Chadwick

Some students are surrounded with opportunities to use technology at home as well, but students in a primary school setting typically have frequent chances to work with computers today. Computer labs filled with desktops, tablets in a cart tolled from class to class or laptops that follow the studen...

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A Guide to Evaluating Your Effort In School

by Christine Chadwick

At some point in many students' schooling grades may begin to fall. Courses that used to be fairly easy may transform to challenging as the material moves on to more difficult concepts. If you were an eager student who loved to push yourself to try new things the thrill of academics may have paled a...

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5 Reasons to Take Time Off Before a Postgraduate Degree

by Christine Chadwick

Each and every year there are loads of graduates that apply to do a postgraduate to begin attendance in the following autumn. However, there are several reasons that you may want to take time off before making a decision.

Ensuring you are making the right career choice

By waiting a year or even tw...

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What to Do Before and After a University Open Day

by Christine Chadwick

University open days can be fun, social, and full of great prospects for your future. They are a great venue to be social, network, and scope out what kind of future university would be a good fit for you. You will be able to see what sets the potential universities apart, and meet representatives w...

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