Blog Posts tagged School

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Six Productive Ways to Spend Free Time in High School

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Free time may seem hard to come by, but you may occasionally find yourself with extra time on your hands. You could just grab the remote and see what's new on TV. Instead, consider these six strategic ways to spend free time.

1. Get Lost in a Book

Step away from your smart phone, and pick up a boo...

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How can I help my child transition to secondary school?

by Grace Dickins

The summer holidays always go by faster than any of us would like, so we thought there was no time like the present to consider how you can help your child be both physically and mentally prepared for secondary school. No doubt they have already been thinking about going up to big school!

Induction...Read more ›

10 reasons why British State Education is so good

by Anna Michaelidou

British state education is based on the belief that every child, regardless of their background, be entitled to a good education. Children are amazingly resilient and adapt extraordinarily well to their schools. Allowing your child to experience their education through their local state school will ...

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The Definitive Guide to Choosing an 11 Plus Tutor for Entrance Exams

by Anita Lee

Around about now, many of you will be pondering whether to engage an 11 plus private tutor, or whether you can / should prepare your child for the entrance exam yourself. At, we've taken a look through our data, asked for views from tutors and parents and collated it all here to help...

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£6billion On School Improvements

by Sarah Adams

Nicky Morgan, the Education secretary, and Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister have announced that another 6 billion pounds will be spent on improving schools in England.

The announcement included the second phase of the Priority School Building Programme which will see an additional £2 billion s...

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