Blog Posts tagged Study

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10 Ways to Catch Up Academically on the Weekend

by Sarah Adams

Too many students are overwhelmed by their first breath of freedom. With dropout rates at 30% after just one year at university . We've put together some tips to help you prepare for exams all year round.

Your workload will include taking notes in lectures (pro tip: write them longhand) (pro tip: d...

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3 Memorisation Techniques for Studying 

by Christine Chadwick

Any level of education will involve some memorisation of facts, figures and methods in preparation for advancement or exams. Getting those data points to "stick" can be tricky, but it's certainly not impossible: you'll just need a little help. Try these three shortcuts to get more out of your study ...

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What Type of Learner Am I?

by Christine Chadwick

Every person has a unique way of approaching tasks and challenges, so it should be no surprise that teaching experts have identified a number of different learning styles. Grouping students into divisions that encompass common learning styles help both student and teacher achieve success at school a...

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How to Improve Interpersonal Intelligence

by Grace Dickins

Socially savvy students seem to have a sixth sense about how to interact with anyone from peers to strangers. A person's ability to recognize and respond to non-verbal cues from others indicates a high interpersonal intelligence. While it may seem as though this is natural instinct, people can impro...

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Why You Should Live With a Host Family While Studying Abroad

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

When you're studying abroad, especially if it's your first time away from home for an extended period of time, your experience can be extremely exciting but also mixed with a lot of anxiety. A new level of independence, unfamiliar surroundings, a different culture, perhaps a new language - all of th...

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