Blog Posts tagged Study

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Why the School Day Should be Extended

by Sam

The length of the school day has always been a contentious issue. It has long been debated whether extending it would have an impact on children's educational achievements, either for better or worse: would the extra time allow for a richer educational experience, or would it cause pupils' minds t...

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Discount fees to study abroad - Erasmus

by Sara

The Minister of State for Universities and Science Mr. David Willets, who was responsible for raising tuition fees to £9,000 per year, has surprisingly announced a substantial discount on tuition fees for those students who spend two or more terms at an overseas university.

The UK ranks 25th in t...

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GCSE and A-Level exam revision resources

by Sara

Many students will be revising for exams during the next few weeks so we have listed a few sites that provide useful resources and revision material for GCSE and A-Level exams.

GCSE and A-Level Maths

Exam Solutions is a very popular site with endless resources for GCSE and A-Level students.

Get R...

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Organising the year ahead. Happy 2012!

by Sara

Now that the festive season has ended, it's back to routine! Many students are overwhelmed at the thought of organising their time to study, take classes, prepare projects and so forth. Organisation is the keyword when planning study time, tuition lessons, exam dates or revision periods. January is ...

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Finding a place to study

by Sara

Finding a place to study is a matter of personal taste. Your learning effectiveness declines every time your concentration is interrupted during study. Most students prefer a quiet area away from other people, television or music centres. On the other hand maybe you have learned to study with backgr...

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