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I am 23 and currently teach at a school in Nottingham.

I enjoy reading and learning more about different religions as well as delving Philosophy and ethics.

I enjoy playing sports and generally hanging out with friends/family.

Tutoring Experience

I completed my PGCE in secondary education in 2017 and from there I am close to completing my NQT at a school in Leicester.

From there I will soon be working in Nottingham.

I have taught all key stages from year 7 up to A-Level. I am confident in my knowledge and have been able to transfer this onto my teaching.

Tutoring Approach

I am a calm and patient person and never like to rush my students. If someone does not understand something it is my job to break it down further until they are able to complete the task on their own.

I always make sure that whoever I teach feel comfortable and confident.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2017BachelorsBA Theology and Religious Studies - 2:1
Carlton Le Willows Academy2012CollegeReligious education - B
University of Leicester2018PGCEPGCE - Secondary Education
Carlton Le Willows Academy2012CollegeBusiness Studies - A
Carlton Le Willows Academy2012CollegeEconomics - C
Rating from 2 references


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