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Maths and Chemistry Tutoring in Newcastle

I’m a 4th-year medical student at Newcastle University with a passion for science and mathematics. I’m friendly, approachable, and committed to helping students not only improve but find more enjoyment in their studies. I offer both in-person and online sessions, tailoring each lesson to suit the individual learning style and needs of the student.

Tutoring Experience

I have extensive experience tutoring GCSE and A-Level students in Biology and Chemistry, as well as GCSE Maths. Additionally, I provide guidance on UCAT preparation for medical school applications, and offer advice on the entire application process, including running mock interviews to help students gain confidence and improve their performance.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring style is pragmatic and student-focused. I identify key areas for improvement while encouraging students to excel in their strengths. I emphasize active learning through past papers and practice questions but also offer tailored mini-lessons to break down complex topics. When necessary, I help students step back and refine their overall strategy to ensure they work efficiently toward their academic goals.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


Newcastle University2024BachelorsMedicine MBBS (currently studying)
WQEIC2019CollegeA-level biology, chemistry and maths
Rating from 1 reference


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