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Hi, my name is Ben, I moved to Cheltenham in 2010 to complete a Ph.D., and outside of lecturing, teaching, publishing and conference talks i would like the chance to contribute locally and maybe make a difference to someone, passing on my enthusiasm for learning and self-education. I have degrees in philosophy/ theology and sociology and currently lecturer part-time at the Uni of Glos. and tutor for the WEA (FE education charity).

Tutoring Experience

After completing my Masters, I took up a PGCE in RE and Citizenship for secondary school. I taught yr7 - yr13. World Religions to GCSE and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (RPE) at A level. I also taught Citizenship (PSHE). Due to personal reasons i left secondary school teaching and changed career, which still involved teaching and mentoring, from team leader talks, to sales training, to pitching ideas and presentations in the boardroom. Eventually i returned to Higher Education, where i have completed a Ph.D. During, my time at the University of Gloucestershire i have lectured on RPE as well as Sociology modules. I have given first year seminars on essay writing, and research skills. Through the 'Aim Higher' scheme i have mentored in local schools/ academies around Gloucester, usually taking yr 9-10 pupils and looking at post-GCSE options, improving attitudes towards education by building confidence in their own abilities.

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring style is a reflection on how i learn, which is mainly discussion based, however, not everyone learns the same way so that would need to be established in order to provide the best learning support. A learning environment is as important as the information one is being asked to learn, so however one learns best a space will need to be created. No subject is boring, there is only boring teaching, which can also be the failure to connect with an idea. So i try to make the information as accessible as possible. Of course learning is a 2-way process, so for as much enthusiasm or expertise i may bring one cannot be forced to learn and it has to be a collaboration. I am as at ease working from textbooks, e-sources or original source materials, but the other person has to be willing to work.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The University College of Plymouth, St Mark & St John, UK2003Bachelorstheology, philosophy with sociology
The University of Exeter, UK2004Mastersphilosophy and sociology of culture
The University College of Plymouth, St Mark & St John, UK2005PGCEReligous Education
The University of Gloucestershire, UK 2014DoctoratePhilosophy of Science
Rating from 3 references


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