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Private Online Maths Tutor

Hi! I graduated from the University of Cambridge with a Master's degree in Physics in 2017. Since then I've worked in the City as an analyst in various industries. I'm passionate about tutoring and sharing my love of mathematics, and have ample experience teaching (and eventually improving the grades and confidence of) students of a range of abilities. I'd also like to point out that as a Cambridge graduate I also feel I'm in a unique position to provide mentoring and advice to any aspirational students looking to secure a place at Oxbridge, so this is something - if desired - that I can provide in addition to maths tutoring.

Tutoring Experience

I've successfully - backed by above target examination results - taught dozens of students Mathematics (GCSE & A-Level) and Further Mathematics (A-Level). I've also worked part-time at a school conducting extra sessions for those struggling with the subject.

My degree background and my highly analytical line of professional work mean that I have an in-depth understanding of maths across all exam boards, and I pride myself on being able to explain mathematical concepts in a way that builds my students confidence and helps them to see that they can indeed get better at the subject and excel.

Tutoring Approach

It's clear from my experience that the absolute fastest way to learn and understand mathematics is to see it used in action. Therefore I place a strong emphasis on past paper questions, explaining concepts and taking detours to dive deeper into particular ideas as and when it's appropriate and I feel the student needs more clarity.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2016BachelorsB.A. in Natural Sciences
University of Cambridge2017MastersM.Sci. in Physics
Queensbury Academy2013CollegeA* A* A* A* in Further Maths, Maths, Phyiscs and Chemistry
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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