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French Lessons in Twickenham

Hi, my name is Clementine and I moved to the UK in 2017. My first master's degree was in Literature and Arts whilst I was still living in Paris. I completed my degree at the highly recognised institution of La Sorbonne in Paris (in Lettres Modernes) and went on to study for a research master at Paris-Diderot, where I explored the link and dynamic between classic literature and contemporary adaptations/rewritings, with a focus on modern theatre adaptions of Shakespeare.

More recently, I graduated in Psychology and started a Professional Doctorate in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. I am particularly interested in the links between language and the human mind, and in between art and psychology.

On my free time, I love to hang out with my cats, go for a walk in the park and bake!

Tutoring Experience

I have tutoring experience both in French Literature (with French students undertaking the equivalent of GSCE or A-levels) and French as a foreign language. I have worked with children, teenagers and adults.

Tutoring Approach

I am currently only accepting adults with an intermediate to advanced level of French. My approach is to assess each individual students' needs and goals first, so we can both understand and agree on a way of working together. This can take a more informal approach for those who want to perfect their conversational French in a relax atmosphere, but I can also offer more structured sessions tailored around specific themes or grammar points, for instance. This would be talked about when we first meet.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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