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Private Online Maths and Physics Tuition

I have a degree in Natural Science from Cambridge University, a Masters degree in digital electronics from Loughborough University and have been teaching maths and physics in schools, college and privately over the last 17 years, after changing from a career as a scientist and design engineer for government agencies and in industry. I am a former Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

You will always find me a friendly, patient, and understanding teacher.

Tutoring Experience

I taught physics, maths and ICT at secondary school for seven years, maths at Cornwall College for two years, and have also been teaching maths and physics as a private tutor for 19 years. I have taught primary and secondary children, and adults.

I have successfully used Zoom for online lessons since 2019 and have tutored students in the UK, The Netherlands, Italy and South Korea.

I have coached pupils for Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Eton and Charterhouse, and Exeter Maths School.

Tutoring Approach

Every pupil is different. I listen carefully to each individual student's needs so that I can give the most effective support for them. I think I have seen most of the reasons why students have difficulty. For example, it could be exam technique - students often lose easy marks even when their knowledge is good. I guide students through some of the possible pitfalls by working questions with them, and then let them they tackle a similar problem that I set.

In maths it is important to understand basic facts and techniques. Sometimes a GCSE student just needs to review their arithmetic skills. I ensure that students have a firm foundation, then the more advanced topics can fall into place. I will explain and demonstrate any topic at the speed the student finds comfortable. I make sure they are involved by supplying plenty of practice material. We work towards the student's independence by tackling problems together, and gradually letting the student have complete control. I will give a hint if the student gets stuck, or I will point out an error if the student lets it propagate too far.

A-level students sometimes need a little help in putting all the new and more difficult material into context and seeing the links between topics. It helps a lot if students see the logic behind the methods they use (and all those formulae). The subject becomes less of a memory exercise and more of a deductive and creative one. I give a students all the background they need. We often work problems together until students are confident to work on their own.

Most of the physics at GCSE and A-level fits together well if students have grasped the underlying ideas and principles. There's often insufficient time in schools - and space in text books - for some of these to be sufficiently understood.

I am sometimes asked to 'mix and match' material for younger pupils in a way that combines wider perspective and challenges not common in schools. Recent topics have been: rocket science, programming, computer generated art, cryptography and astronomy.

All lessons are videoed and stored in the cloud. You will have access to all videos, screen shots and whiteboards.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


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Loughborough University1984MastersMSc Digital Communication Systems
Cambridge University1970BachelorsBA Natural Science

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