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Online English and Special Needs Teacher


My name is Dara and I have been working with students in educational settings for over 6 years. I am passionate in helping students succeed and develop their skills while catering to their learning styles. I am also a personal trainer.

Tutoring Experience

I specialise in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and helping students develop their English language skills. I am also specialised in Early Childhood Education

I have over 6 years educational experience working with children (ages 0-11) and developing their language skills. My lessons are interactive and I teach to cater to children’s learning styles, needs and abilities. I have experience working with children with additional and learning needs and have a degree in Early Childhood Studies and Education (ages 0-8). I am TEFL certified and have knowledge of teaching English.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching philosophy is all students are unique and different therefore will learn in different ways. My teaching is catered to individual students and the way they learn (needs, abilities and learning styles) as not all students learn and obtain knowledge in the same way therefore need lessons suited to them. My lessons are interactive, fun and motivational so students enjoy each one.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Liverpool Hope University2022BachelorsEarly Childhood Education and Studies
I-TO-I2023ProfessionalTeach English as a Foreign Language
BISMA2023ProfessionalPersonal Training
Rating from 2 references


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