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Online English and Drama Tutor

Greetings! I'm an actor, writer and tutor from the North East of England--with a love of literature, and performing arts. I've spent many years on stage or in front of a camera (as well as a microphone), enhancing my skills with the English language and the written word. As a neurodivergent teacher (diagnosed quite late in life) I have had the opportunity to vary up my communication and make my approach much more dynamic. I love a good joke, cats, comic books, movies and Shakespeare... sometimes all at the same time!

Tutoring Experience

I've been a private tutor for nearly two years now, with students from the UK, US and various other parts of the world! Outside of tutoring, I am an experienced copywriter and script writer, as well as continuing as a performing artist regularly.

Tutoring Approach

Very light-hearted and very conversational--I like to have a dialogue with students more than anything else! Of course, that requires them to have a pen and paper to write down what they need to retain--but I'll always provide time to do that too! There's plenty to laugh at, talk about and really get into the mechanics off!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Newcastle University2020MastersCreative Writing
Northumbria University2008BachelorsDrama
Rating from 2 references


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