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I am an University of Oxford educated history graduate with a Master of Education from the University of Cambridge. I’m a highly experienced history and humanities teacher who is passionate about helping students fulfil their potential at all levels of their education. I’ve supported dozens of students through their GCSEs and A Levels to enable them to study at Russell Group universities.
I’ve recently taken a career break from full time classroom teaching to look after my young children. Most importantly I’m passionate about history and helping students share in this passion and excel in this subject.

Tutoring Experience

I have extensive teaching experience having been a teacher for 13 years after having completed my PGCE at the University of Cambridge. In that time I have been a Head of History in two different schools and also a Head of Humanities for three years. I have taught GCSE and A Level with great success throughout my career and across all three major exam boards, with my pupils achieving outstanding outcomes. I have an excellent knowledge of the exam specifications and mark schemes and have used this to great effect in my teaching. I also have wide ranging and in depth subject knowledge having taught topics ranging from the Stuart monarchs, the Russian revolution, the development of Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries, and civil rights in the USA.

Tutoring Approach

I take an academic but practical approach. I utilise my wide ranging subject knowledge and resources to enthuse students about the subject matter, whilst focusing the requirements of the exams and assessments. I am adept at breaking down complex historical ideas and events for students. I focus on the skills required for essay writing and am very experienced at enabling students to succeed in this crucial area.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2011MastersMasters in Education (MEd)
University of Cambridge2008PGCEPGCE Secondary History
University of Oxford2007MastersMA Ancient and Modern History
South Hampstead High School2004SchoolA Level in History(A)
South Hampstead High School2002SchoolGCSE - French A*, English Language A*, English Literature A*, Latin A*, Greek A*, History A, German A, Biology A, Chemistry A, Physics A, Mathematics B

Esther's Feedback

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