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My name is Gina, I am a current Graduate Entry Medicine student at Ulster University - year 2. I also have an LL.B in Law with Honours and an LL.M Masters in Law, both from Queen’s University Belfast. I am an easy going and relaxed teacher but organised and methodical. Contact me to discuss your requests and I’m sure we can come up with a plan together to best suit your needs.

Tutoring Experience

During my Law degree, I taught refugee children who had come to Northern Ireland as part of a Homework Club volunteering role which included all primary school and most secondary school subjects. I have experience teaching informally as a tutor for sciences.

Tutoring Approach

I prefer to be a relaxed tutor who lets the student guide the sessions as I feel that’s where a student will gain the most from the session. Although I prefer a relaxed manner for session guiding, I highly value methodological and organised teaching based solely around the curricula so the student receives the maximum from the session(s). I encourage active learning and space repetition and can guide students on this rather than rote learning for exam purposes - I find this solidifies learning and encourages deeper understanding of the material.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Queen’s University Belfast2020BachelorsLL.B Law (Hons)
Queen’s University Belfast2021MastersLL.M Masters in Law

Gina's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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