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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Buckingham

My name is Grace and I’m an experienced tutor with a Certificate of Higher Education in Theoretical Physics.
I love Physics and Maths and I feel really passionately that anyone can do well in these subjects, given the right encouragement, patience, and tuition. I am incredibly enthusiastic about building the confidence of young people to feel empowered to reach their goals and enjoy learning.

Tutoring Experience

I’ve been tutoring on and off since I was in sixth form, having tutored in GCSE and A Level Chemistry, Physics and Maths; and having delivered over 50 sessions, and supported my students to improve their confidence and find an enjoyment in their studies.

Tutoring Approach

In Maths and Science, exam technique and problem solving are two of the most important skills, which I aim to help build in my tutees, as well as encouraging them and building their confidence.
If you have specific topics you want to improve, I will prepare lessons in which I will go over concepts one small chunk at a time, going over examples on each one to gauge and cement understanding, ensuring I don’t move on until the concept is completely clear in your mind (as this helps to both build on this understanding in the next section; build confidence; and avoid any feelings of overwhelm). I can also set and mark regular homework if you want to go the extra mile to ensure what we learned in the previous session really sticks, and identify any spots we may need to go back over.
If you want to work on general exam technique, I can set and mark test papers (tailored to the topics you have covered in school/ are preparing for testing on) that we can then go over in session. We will discuss what went well to build confidence and an understanding of exactly which key words and phrases earn you marks in the often very specific mark-schemes; and we will go over questions you got wrong or didn’t understand, going over concepts where needed, working on problem solving and key words the examiner will be looking for.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Royal Latin School2021SchoolMathematics
Royal Latin School2021SchoolPhysics
Royal Latin School2021SchoolChemistry
University of Bristol2024OtherCertificate of Higher Education in Physics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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