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Online Maths and Physics Tutor

Award winning MSci Physics graduate from the University of Birmingham. One thing I really pride myself on is having a huge passion for my subject and science in general; my hope is that I can pass on my enthusiasm for the subject to my students.

Tutoring Experience

3 years teaching experience, including hundreds of hours working on MyTutor and Elite Medics.

Tutoring Approach

From my own personal experience of getting all As and A*s at both GCSE and A-level, there are two main ways at succeeding in exams:

The first is to grasp a genuine understanding of the subject and understand why things work in the way that they do. This will help to improve the confidence of my students when it comes to exams, where they will learn to use logic and reasoning to best answer the question, as opposed to trying to memorise forumulae. I will be able to provide my students with a fresh perspective on the chosen subject and encourage them to ask as many questions as possible to really make sure that they have understood the concept.

The second is to practice good exam techniques. I've always looked at exams as a game, in which there are certain rules that you have to follow in order to win. Sometimes knowledge itself is not enough, and knowing exactly what the examiners are looking for is the best way of ensuring success in exams. I'll be able to help my students break down questions and figure out the key details that examiners want to see, to ensure that they can "beat the system" and get top grades.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Birmingham2023MastersMSci Physics (Hons)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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