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Private Online Entrance Exams and Study Skills Tutor

An academic medical doctor with 4A*1A in A Levels, 5 years of tutoring experience, and formal training in education. Over the years, I have helped many students improve their personal statements, essays, and interview skills to get into medical, dental, or pharmacy school. I can help you achieve your educational goals too. I aim to provide an all-round service to helping students get accepted in biological and healthcare disciplines.

Tutoring Experience

I am an academic medical doctor (MBBS) with a BSc and PgCert (ClinEd) and currently undertaking a doctorate degree. I have achieved 4A*1A in A levels: Mathematics (A*), Further Mathematics (A*), Biology (A*), Physics (A*), and Chemistry (A). I am also experienced in medical writing and have published 20+ peer-reviewed articles in medical and surgical journals.

Tutoring Approach

I offer a personalised and tailored approach to meet students' needs.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


St.George's University of London2021ProfessionalMBBS
University of Edinburgh2022PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
St.George's University of London2019BachelorsBiomedical Sciences BSc
Rating from 2 references


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