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Maths and Physics Tuition in Nottingham

I'm a 27 year old astrophysics PhD student at the University of Nottingham.

I achieved A*s and As in Maths and Physics at GCSE and A Level, and achieved a 1st Class Honours in a Mathematical Physics integrated Master's degree from the University of Nottingham.

My friends, colleagues and students would all describe me as friendly, patient, and enthusiastic. I truly love the subject that I study and it comes across in my teaching. I have always had a great love for maths and astronomy, and I'm keen to help others so that they might also feel the same one day!

Tutoring Experience

I started tutoring Maths and Further Maths during my undergraduate degree and have helped multiple students achieve higher than predicted grades at GCSE and A Level. Since the start of my PhD I have also done a huge amount of outreach at all levels, from Rainbows to PGCE students, in order to teach and inspire younger generations about astronomy.

Please see recommendations of my teaching ability at this link:

Tutoring Approach

I believe the best approach to tutoring is to identify the root of the difficulty in each topic, and to build the required knowledge from the ground up. A strong foundation is required in any subject to be able to progress further, so I focus on ensuring this is covered so that the student comfortably understands every step of the process. I am patient and try to explain all concepts in a way that makes the most sense to the student, checking with them all the time that they understand the methodology being used.

I am happy to tutor Maths at any level, and Further Maths and Astronomy from GCSE up as these are when these subjects are introduced at curriculum level. I'm also happy to have lessons between lengths of 1-2 hours, and my lesson content focuses on the curriculum, and exam board if relevant, of the student's education. I will focus primarily on the areas that the student is struggling with the most, and will set homework to ensure that the student is progressing.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2019MastersMSci Mathematical Physics
Rating from 2 references


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