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I have a PhD in mathematics from the University of St Andrews. I have over a decade of experience tutoring and teaching, and since having my two young children, I have returned. I love it! Explaining mathematics and seeing those "aha" moments when it all clicks in a tutee's mind is a huge satisfaction of which I never tire.

Tutoring Experience

I have broad experience tutoring and teaching mathematics to school pupils and university students. I have tutored pupils studying towards Standard Grades, Highers and Advanced Highers in mathematics, helping them learn the subject well and prepare for their exams. I have also worked at universities as an undergraduate and postgraduate in Scotland (St Andrews and Edinburgh) and in Germany, tutoring several undergraduate courses.

Tutoring Approach

I am a patient tutor and I provide a relaxed but focused atmosphere. My approach is always tailored to the individual needs and demands of the tutee. Normally we will discuss carefully chosen examples and work through a variety of exercises together. Through this we build up understanding of the material and, most importantly, confidence. From my many experiences as tutor as well as my own experiences in mathematics I know that confidence makes an enormous difference when approaching mathematics.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Bielefeld, Germany2001Masters1st in Mathematics
University of St Andrews2005DoctorateMathematics

Maja's Feedback

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