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Home Tuition for History and Craft and Design in Rochester

I am an Architect and recipient of a scholarship to the Architectural Association (AA), one of the most prestigious architecture schools in the world, from which I recently graduated. I have recently founded my own design studio, a life-long dream and testament to what dedicated study can offer.

Prior to the AA, I audited a Philosophy MA during night-classes at Birkbeck University, questioning the moral and political implications of landownership and universal basic income for my dissertation. My passion and success in Philosophy at Birkbeck was central to obtaining the scholarship to complete my Masters in Architecture at the AA.

Prior to Birkbeck, I obtained a Second-Class Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in Architecture from The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. This is one of the most revered architecture schools in the world and notorious for its competitive entrance requirements. My success here allowed me to work with some highly revered architectural practices, such as Cullinan Studio, founded by renowned architect Edward Cullinan and Peter Barber Architects. I was also often invited back to both the Bartlett and the AA to teach both undergraduate and post-graduate students.

It was my dream to become an architect from an early age. As such, I consciously excelled in History, Art and Maths, achieving two A’s and a B at A-Level respectively. With this goal in mind I also applied myself at GCSE level, obtaining an A* in Art, A’s in Maths, English Literature, Geography, History and B’s in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Outside my studies I enjoy reading about history, politics, philosophy and art, as well as cinema, playing football and DJing.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 7 years experience as a tutor at two of the most prestigious schools of architecture in the world, the Bartlett (UCL) and the Architectural Association in London, as well as the Negev School of Architecture in Israel, at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.

My role as a tutor involved:

  • Critiquing individual student’s design projects, providing constructive criticism and historical precedents to help optimise the potential of their proposal

  • Teaching a design methodology that will allow student’s to structure and enhance their design project

  • Advising on thesis topics for diploma students and assisting undergraduate student’s writing history and theory essays

  • Providing lessons in how to formally present, review and discuss one’s own work in a professional manner

My responsibility was to help students excel in their conceptual and historical understanding of the topic of architecture, as well as equip them with practical skills so they could draw, model, write, present and articulate their new knowledge in a professional manner.

My experience as a tutor in these institutions is directly translatable to both higher-education or secondary studying, including the subjects History of Art, History, Politics, Art and of course, architecture.

Tutoring Approach

The world of academia and practice are never too far apart with the vocation of an Architect. Knowledge can never remain too abstract, but can always be applied to real-life situations, such as the construction of a new building or the design of a new exhibition. As such, I’m always concerned with how learning can inevitably lead to material benefits outside of school, such as how it might assist in later employment, whilst simultaneously optimising a student’s potential with their immediate studies. My experience and knowledge in the field of architecture is applicable in many other subjects, my approach to each is outlined below.

History of Art

Whenever I teach a student in architecture school, I am teaching them the history of art. I have extensive knowledge of Classical Greek and Roman art, as well as Ancient Assyrian, early Islamic, Romanesque, Renaissance and Modern Art in the West. This knowledge has been applicable with students writing history and theory essays or designing architectural proposals at both undergraduate and post-graduate level. My basic method is to help students ‘see’ how this art was at first relevant to the time in which it was produced and how it might still be today, through the lens of form and aesthetics. I have access to a large library of resources, including books and lectures, as well as access to many libraries across London. I would always encourage students to visit museums and galleries when possible, or even plan small tours abroad, which in the past has taken me across France, Italy and Switzerland.

History / Politics

The two salient aspects to succeeding in History and/or Politics subjects is a thorough knowledge of the topic at hand and the ability to present a coherent argument, fortified with sound references. I excelled in this topic at school level and improved vastly during my university studies in Philosophy and Architecture, as writing and arguing are central pillars in each subject.

I would first ensure the student has a firm understanding of the requirements stipulated by the relevant exam board as well as a sound overview of the dominant schools of Historicist thought. I would encourage each student to build a dossier of both primary and secondary sources, which the internet, libraries and museums can all help enrich and move away from the traditional regurgitation of school textbooks. Student’s must be able to compare existing material but also add something new and of their own to the debate, which will help them towards gaining the highest mark possible.

I have extensive knowledge in European history, from the Neolithic Period to our contemporary moment.


I believe the best way to develop one’s own artistic skill and talent is to be taught by someone who is themselves wholly involved with the discipline. Painting, sculpture, photography, video, cinema or performance all depend on the emotional intelligence and temperament of the practitioner, especially if they’re still at a young age. Historical knowledge must be developed alongside an intimate knowledge of the medium itself, which is a traditional model of learning that has existed for centuries. This method, which I personally advocate, aligns itself neatly with what exam boards require. It is the tried and tested method that I have successfully employed with many students of architecture, and it is directly translatable to help students of art reach their potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Architectural Association2020MastersArchitecture
Birkbeck2017MastersPhilosophy (Audit)
Rating from 2 references


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