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Hi, I'm a seasoned Software Engineer at FinTech firm with a strong engineering background. I specialise in tutoring and have a proven track record of helping students excel in their GCSEs and A-levels. My goal is simple: to guide students through their academic challenges and ensure they not only overcome obstacles but also consistently exceed their target grades.

Tutoring Experience

I started tutoring my younger siblings during college and have thrived as both a tutor and mentor ever since. With over 7 years of specialised experience in Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Computing, I've consistently empowered my students to gain confidence and exceed their predicted grades. You can trust my one-to-one tutoring to ensure academic success.

Tutoring Approach

I take a compassionate approach to tutoring, understanding that each student learns at their own pace. I break down complex topics into manageable chunks, guiding students through step-by-step solutions.

By incorporating past papers, I challenge their understanding and help them refine exam techniques. This approach brings confidence and consistently leads to higher-than-predicted grades for all my students.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Birmingham2020MastersMechanical Engineering
Cadbury College2015CollegeA-level: Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Computing

Muhammed's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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