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We (me and my partner) provide private Islamic and Arabic tuition online as well as at home. Both of us are fully qualified Islamic scholars and have extensive experience. The Initial assessment is offered free of charge and afterwards you are free to make an informed decision either way. The tuition fee is normally around £15 per hour online and £20 on site.

We have a track record of high quality teaching verifiable by both former and current students. We both enjoy the teaching profession, having always found it fulfilling. We try to create a cohesive learning environment to foster student success using innovative techniques and enthusiasm to engage students.
A full list of subjects available for tuition is as follows :

1- Quranic Reading القراءة الصحيحة للقرآن الكريم
2- Quranic meaning ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
3- Quranic exegesis تفسير القرآن الكريم
4- Tajweed التجويد
5- Principles of Quranic exegesis أصول التفسير
6- The miraculous nature of the Quran الإعجاز القرآني
7- Prophetic statements الأحاديث
8- Principles of hadees أصول الحديث
9- Study of chains of narrations دراسة الأسانيد
10- Methodology of Hadees scholars مناهج المحدثين
11- A study of controversial prophetic statements مشكل الحديث
12- Islamic jurisprudence الفقه الإسلامي
13- Principles of Islamic jurisprudence أصول الفقه
14- Maxims of Fiqh القواعد الفقهية
14- Islamic finance الإقتصاد الإسلامي
15- contemporary Fiqh issues النوازل الفقهية
16- Arabic language اللغة العربية
17- Arabic syntax النحو
18- Arabic Morphology الصرف
19- Islamic creed العقيدة الإسلامية
20- History التاريخ والسيرة النبوية

I also provide Ruqya services.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked with a host of Islamic Institutions in various capacities including teaching up to Masters level, likewise I have been a private tutor for over ten years.

Some of the institutions I have worked with include :

Jamia Islamia Birmingham.
Darul Ilm Birmingham.
UKIM Dawah.

Tutoring Approach

I tutor using multiple teaching methods, however my experience has taught me there is no one method worthy of being championed, rather the best method is always what a particular student finds effective.
I am a great believer in stimulating forms of education and I constantly challenge a student's understanding of a particular topic.
I have always found that asking students to repeat everything they have leant at the end of the lesson helps them to consolidate their knowledge.
I provide a weekly progress update for each student, likewise I provide a full and free initial assessment.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Arabic, Urdu
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Jamia Islamia Birmingham2016BachelorsIslamic studies
European Institute of Human Sciences2018MastersIslamic Jurisprudence
Daril Ilm Birminghsm2018OtherMufti
Jamiat ul Muslimin2014OtherHaafiz
Rating from 2 references


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