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English (Foreign Language) Tuition in Sevenoaks

I am retired having spent 35 years+ in the Finance Insurance arena; I enjoy teaching English as a foreign language and have become very successful at this over the past 4 years. I am also learning Spanish myself so i have great empathy with all language students. Both adults and young people love my lessons.

Tutoring Experience

I teach Ukrainian teenagers and adults 3 times a week ; I exchange language teaching with a Spanish adult (once a week); I have also taught successfully Turkish teenagers in the past enabling them to then attend UK schools. As well as being TEFL qualified, I have been mentored by an experienced Berlitz language teacher.

Tutoring Approach

Although I seek to stretch my students to make real progress (eg pass exams) I always do this in a fun way, with an emphasis on getting the student to speak and use their new language in practical situations. I provide a lot of varied materials but also let the student input with specific requests as necessary.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Rating from 2 references


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