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Maths and Physics Teacher in Oxford

I am a 6th-year Medical Student at the University of Oxford. I have recently married, and attend a vibrant Church in the city. With close family and friends still studying for GCSEs and A-levels I have not forgotten the pressure and stress that they bring, but am confident that I can relieve some of that stress by instilling confidence in knowledge in you as we conquer topics that have until now been difficult and boggling. I hope we'll have fun together too, and it'll be a relaxed, comfortable and encouraging learning environment.

Tutoring Experience

I can teach Maths at GCSE or A-level standard, and Further Maths at GCSE level. Among others, I took Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths, and Statistics at GCSE, achieving the highest attainable grade in all 3, and took Maths, Biology, and Chemistry to A-level, achieving an A*.

Tutoring Approach

I will meet you initially to understand your learning preferences and goals. Together, we will plan learning objectives, and set SMART (Sensible, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-limited) goals which we will review and adapt as we progress. Typically I will meet a student for 1h, but if it's helpful we can do 2h sessions. Lessons can be structured according to student preference, but will typically involve some time reviewing previous topics, and time taking the next step into that or another topic.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


King Edward VI, Morprth2019SchoolBiology GCSE & A-level, both A*s
King Edward VI, Morpeth2019SchoolChemistry GCSE & A-level, both A*s
Ripon Grammar School2017SchoolMaths, Further Maths, Statistics GCSE all A*s
King Edward VI, Morpeth2019SchoolMaths A-level, A*

Pippa's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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