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Online Maths and Combined Science Lessons

Hi, I'm Shaun, a Computer Science student at the University of Manchester. I'm especially interested in coding, and find it extremely satisfying to work and see my progress on long term projects.

To me, studying isn't about rote memorization or how well you can take notes, although both of these can certainly be important. Instead, I try to focus on being engaged with and improving my understanding of what I'm learning. This mentality has helped me greatly throughout my time in the IB Diploma Programme, and the time I've spent so far in University. It also helps me to relax and keep my stress down, because rather than worrying about grades, I try to stay interested in and really learn as much as I can about my subjects as possible. Through my tutoring, I hope I can help students to do the same.

Tutoring Experience

I've previously tutored both privately and with students at my school, and in both cases I was thrilled when I heard that my tutoring was making a positive impact.

As a student myself, I've studied and sat through numerous IGCSE and IB exam papers, so while I know that they can be overwhelming, I also know how to help students study for them effectively.

Tutoring Approach

I try to adapt to each individual to make their chosen subject feel interesting. I find that the most important thing to learning is engagement, and making sure the student is enjoying studying makes it much easier for them to learn.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Canggu Community School2021SchoolIB Diploma Programme - 44 (7 in HL Maths, Physics, and SL Computer Science)
Canggu Community School2019SchoolIGCSE - 7A*s, 1B
Rating from 2 references


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