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Online English and Entrance Exams Tutor

Victoria has taught in secondary schools/colleges and universities across the UK. She specialises in Drama, English, English Lit, Voice, Diction and Public Speaking. Victoria has helped achieve the highest grades at GCSE level, A levels, Degree, MA and Teacher Training level.

She held classroom teaching positions for Drama/English and French and lectures at The University of Salford. A published author, she has created, recruited and lead youth projects across the country on a project by project bases.
She also works with professional actors, business professionals and students in drama, voice and presentation.

My job is to engage the young students and if needed, rehabilitate their willingness to learn again.

Often degree, MA and Teachers in Training require help with academic writing, structure, research skills and having a 1-1 to read material aloud and edit in a more interactive way.

She also help professionals with public speaking, phonetics, elocution and diction.

Tutoring Experience

Victoria specialises in preparing students in exam techniques, understanding the levels required for each exam paper, whilst preparing a full understanding of the texts both in Language and Literature.

Tutoring Approach

Each student is different and the process of preparation is unique to each student. The main aim is to have each student fully understand their subject, address weaknesses in 1-1 sessions and master what's needed.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


The University of Bolton2002BachelorsBA (Hon) 2/1 English Language & Theatre Studies
The University of Leeds2003MastersMA Theatre Studies and Practice
Rating from 2 references


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