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Hello! I'm Waqas, an experienced and passionate tutor with a strong background in science. I have dedicated my career to helping students achieve their academic goals and excel in their studies. With 5 years of tutoring experience, I possess a deep understanding of the challenges students face and the strategies needed to overcome them.

Tutoring Experience

I hold a BSc(Hons) in Clinical Sciences from the University of Bradford, as well as a PGCE in Secondary Physics. My educational background provides me with a solid foundation in science, enabling me to effectively teach and guide students. I am experienced Tutor with 10+ Years of expertise in secondary science.

Tutoring Approach

With over 5 years of tutoring experience, I have honed my teaching approach to maximize student success. I believe in a personalized and adaptable approach to tutoring, tailoring my methods to suit each student's unique learning needs and preferences. By creating a supportive and engaging learning environment, I foster open communication and encourage students to actively participate in their learning journey.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Bradford College2012PGCEPGCE Secondary Physics
University of Bradford2010BachelorsBSc(Hons) Clinical Sciences
Department of Education2012QTSQTS

Waqas's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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