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Cambridge Engineering graduate (MEng, MA, BA), experienced and results-driven tutor, specialising in helping students with ADHD. I've been tutoring since 2019 and I'm passionate about sharing my love of learning with students, having myself achieved 3 A*s at A-Level in Maths, Further Maths and Physics and 9 A*s and 1 A at IGCSE/GCSE Level.

My Engineering background allows me to link content to its applications so students are given context to the material they learn, which I hope helps garner interest. Additionally, having ADHD has helped me to relate to

I have just returned from living in Korea and Japan for just over two years, where I was a full time teacher in a state school. In my free time I do martial arts, representing my university in the first ever Oxford vs Cambridge MMA varsity matches.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored since August 2019, with a total of around 400 hours of experience teaching students from ages 12-19. This can be broken up into:

  • 13+ Public School Exam Preparation Maths and Physics: 25%
  • GCSE: 25%
  • A-Level Maths, Physics and Further Maths: 30%
  • Oxbridge and Imperial College Engineering and Physics Applications Preparation: 20%

As well as this, I have tutored students with specific educational needs, such as:

  • ADHD: 120 hours
  • Low confidence: 25 hours

My student success stories have been:

  • L.

    • Year 11 (16)
    • Exam: GCSE Double Science
    • Hours of tuition: 5
    • Starting grade: 5, 4
    • Confidence level: Middle
    • Problem: Unsure of how to revise
    • Final grade: 7,7
  • J.

    • Year 9
    • Exam: Foundation GCSE Maths
    • Hours of tuition: 3
    • Confidence: Very low
    • Result: Moved up a set
  • T.

    • Year 10
    • Exam: Double GCSE Physics
    • Hours of tuition: 23
    • Starting grade: 4,4
    • Confidence: High
    • Problem: Unable to focus (severe ADHD), unsure of how to study or revise
    • Result: 7,7
  • N.

    • Year 12
    • Exam: A-Level Physics
    • Hours of tuition: 10
    • Starting grade: A
    • Confidence: High
    • Problem: Struggled with electrical circuits
    • Result: A*

I've taught students with varying levels of ability, from those feeling hopeless at Maths and/or Physics to those who know it is their calling. I look to both stretch students and grow their confidence so they can reach their full potential.

If you would like any more detail please feel free to ask me.

Tutoring Approach

I tailor lessons to student's specific needs and difficulties, so my first session involves interviewing the student. From then the student and I work through problem questions together and I ask them related questions to verify their understanding. This diagnoses gaps in their understanding.

I like to draw and write as I teach, which helps to communicate concepts visually for students. Materials produced during the lesson will be given to the student for later reference if they wish.

If requested, I can break lessons up with short breaks to ensure students do not feel drained, as I appreciate the intensity of being taught one-to-one. I link content to examples of applications, so students are given context to and motivation for the material they learn, with my goal being to inspire students to pursue careers in STEM.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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OCR2017SchoolA-Level Mathematics
OCR2017SchoolA-Level Further Maths
AQA2017SchoolA-Level Physics
University of Cambridge2021MastersMechanical Engineering MEng, BA

William's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Casual Learner£50£45
Casual Learner£50£45
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Study SkillsIn-personOnline
Mechanical EngineeringIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£60£54
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