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Private Online Maths and English Tutor

Hi, I am a third year Veterinary Medicine student studying at the University of Nottingham. I have a love for science and maths, and whilst at University I have refined my knowledge and reaffirmed my interest.

Tutoring Experience

I have previously tutored science and maths for two years, working with students aged 5 to 16. Moreover, I have tutored English for students aged 5 to 14. During these two years, I taught multiple classes with students at different levels. For example, I worked with one student who was aspiring to achieve a grade 9 in maths, while on the other hand, I also taught students English with learning difficulties.

Tutoring Approach

From having taught a range of personalities I have learnt to refine my approach to the student. Depending on how the student learns best I will adapt the lesson to their needs. For example for students who learn by doing I will ensure to bring questions and problems for them to practise. I also create mnemonics or rhymes for those who struggle to remember information. I will use a different teaching method for each student in order for them to learn the most effectively.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Aylesbury High School2022CollegeBiology A*
Aylesbury High School2022CollegeChemistry A
Aylesbury High School2022CollegeMaths A
Rating from 2 references


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