Blog Posts tagged Home

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5 Ways to Encourage Learning At Home

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

For most children, school and home are two separate entities. To them, one likely involves a locker, backpack, and textbooks, while the other may mean downtime, video games, and snacks. However, it can be important (and even entertaining) to bring the learning environment into the home for your chil...

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5 Skills to Develop Over Summer

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

While the summer holidays offer students time off from the regular routine of school, it's also the ideal time to improve academic skills like reading and even job skills to increase one's chances of getting accepted into a university. Here's a list of 5 skills to develop over the summer.

Boost Lit...

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3 Tips for Surviving Homesickness

by Grace Dickins

For all the college or university planning you may have done, one thing you probably were not prepared for was homesickness. Many students are initially excited at the prospect of being on their own, but all it takes is one bad day to make you long for the comforts of home. However, there are some g...

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How a tutor can help your child this school year

by Anna Michaelidou

Tutors have become an important part of a child's education, helping them to achieve their target grades and preparing them for dreaded exams. A tutor is a teacher or professional that is paid to work privately with a child and to help them with their specific needs.

The great thing about a t...

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8 tips for home-schooling

by Anna Michaelidou

Home-schooling your child has become an ever-increasing trend, with more and more parents opting for the less traditional way of educating their child. Some parents find that their child thrives in a home-school environment where following the national curriculum is not compulsory.

Parents do not...

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