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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Drama Tutors Near Me

First Tutors can help you find quality local Drama tutors. If you are looking for "the best Drama tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you locate private Drama tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Drama tuition, so start finding your private Drama tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Ailis

    Drama Tutor Near Me
    I have a first class degree in English Literature from Edinburgh University, and am now pursuing a career as an actor. I offer tutoring in English, Maths, and Drama, from KS2 (including 11+ preparation) up to A Level and beyond. At university I particularly focused on classical literature and wrote...
  2. Rosie

    Private Drama Tuition
    Hello! My name is Rosie, and I am an experienced tutor and teacher based in Stratford. I have spent many years working with young people in different ways, as a private tutor, as a classroom teacher, taking students on trips, and also as a theatre facilitator helping young people create characters, ...
  3. Rosie

    Drama Tuition Near Me
    Hi, my name is Rosie. I am an English, Media and Drama teacher who offers a one-to-one personal tutoring service & online group workshops, tailored to your individual requirements and needs.I have been teaching for over 10 years and think it is extremely important to build a good rapport with my stu...
  4. Vicky

    Private Drama Tutor
    I am an extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and experienced subject specialist teacher who has over twenty years experience in the Education sector. I have taught in colleges of Further Education, Pupil Referral Units and Mainstream Schools. My aim is to work innovatively for the enhancement and deve...
  5. Eve

    Home Tuition for Drama
    Hello, I am Eve. From my Master's degree in at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, I gained practical theatre training and graduated with a Distinction. Before that, I attained a First-class BA from the University of Bristol. This gave me a rigorous appreciation for writing and researching. I was ab...
  6. Jude

    Drama Lessons
    I am a tutor of English and drama, teaching in my own home. I also tutor creative writing and am a successful published author of four novels and many short stories - under the name Jude Hayland. I teach English on a one to one basis - age range 11 to 18 - and Drama, preparing students for exam...
  7. Janet

    Private Drama Tuition
    I am enthusiastic, hard working, dedicated and a good communicator. I really enjoy teaching one-to-one and watching the difference it makes to the child's confidence. I have tutored for many years and have a high success rate. I currently have several children whom I tutor, some for many years, and ...
  8. Mark

    Drama Lessons
    I have three decades of experience as a senior teacher in the independent sector teaching English Language and Literature from ages 11 - 18, Drama GCSE, Theatre Studies A level and BTEC Performing Arts. In addition, I am an experienced examiner in GCSE English Language and Literature, English and T...
  9. John

    Drama Teacher
    I have been involved in every aspect of education for most of my working life, and that includes bringing up my three children - all of whom I taught! Though I am a qualified teacher with a post graduate degree, I am equally happy working with much younger children. In my spare time, I am a writer a...
  10. Jackie

    Drama Tutoring
    I am a retired English teacher. I now tutor pupils for English Language and Literature GCSE, KS2 SATS and Year 7 entry exams for public schools. I have worked with students to improve their GCSE English Language and English Literature grades for resit exams too. I have found this very rewarding e...

Why choose First Tutors for your Drama tutor search in the UK?

This is the only site to search the most suitable private Drama tutor for you. Each teacher is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive tutee reviews on each instructor to help you refine your online Drama teacher search. Drama can be a difficult subject, and working with an expert Drama teacher can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). Often, already a little bit of extra Drama tuition or some extra Drama classes can make a strong impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for students. Start private tuition now and find a professional Drama tutor near you today!

Become a Drama tutor in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Drama classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. A tutor can make a positive impact on a student's life!