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Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you search for quality private Secondary English (Foreign Language) tutors. If you are searching for "the best Secondary English (Foreign Language) tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to search for local English (Foreign Language) tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online English (Foreign Language) tutoring, so start finding your Secondary English (Foreign Language) tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Eve

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tutor Near Me
    Hello, I am Eve. From my Master's degree in at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, I gained practical theatre training and graduated with a Distinction. Before that, I attained a First-class BA from the University of Bristol. This gave me a rigorous appreciation for writing and researching. I was ab...
  2. Sharon

    Private Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tuition
    Hello, my name is Sharon. I have been teaching since 2001, and a tutor since 2016. I am qualified to teach maths (Functional Skills/GCSE), English and ESOL. I've had many students who have improved their grades, passed exams, and even learned to enjoy subjects that they weren't that keen on when the...
  3. Pierina

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tuition Near Me
    I am a young-at-heart tutor. I enjoy helping others and am passionate about teaching & learning in all its forms. My favourite part of Maths is Algebra, my favourite part of English is Grammar. I have particular interest and experience in Dyslexia, and I am a qualified test/assessment user, which...
  4. Mark

    Private Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tutor
    I am a very friendly and positive person who finds it easy to build professional relationships with students. I am very hard-working and pull out all the stops when it comes to making the best provision for learners. I take a real pride in my work and always conduct lessons that are exciting, innova...
  5. Rosalina

    Home Tuition for Secondary English (Foreign Language)
    I have over fourteen years of experience as a teacher of English language and literature at Key Stage 3, GCSE and A-Level. I am passionate about the subject and was head of English language A-Level in a school for several years. I have also worked as a teacher trainer, mentoring and supporting peopl...
  6. Christine

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Lessons
    I am a German native speaker and have been tutoring for many years. During that time, I have tutored GCSE, A-level and university students, adult learners as well as primary school, pre-school and nursery aged children. I grew up and completed my schooling in the South of Germany. Once I'd obtained...
  7. Molly

    Private Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tuition
    I'm not your typical language tutor - I'm the language-loving, globetrotting, life-of-the-party tutor you've been waiting for! I'm certified in both French and Spanish, having aced my 1st class undergraduate in 2016. But that's just the beginning of my linguistic journey. Imagine my teaching approac...
  8. Hannah

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Lessons
    I have both my CELTA and PGCE in Primary Education, I have been in the Education Sector for 14 years and I am passionate about learning! I make sure learning is fun, engaging and vary my lesson styles to my students. I make sure learning is fun, engaging and vary my lesson styles to my students. I p...
  9. Celia

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Teacher
    I have always had a passion for languages and studied French and Italian for a combined Honours degree at university. During this time, I spent my year abroad in Ferrara, Italy and Avignon, France. I still have many French and Italian friends and we love chatting together, walking and the Arts. I st...
  10. Susan

    Secondary English (Foreign Language) Tutoring
    I am a professional teacher/tutor of some 20 years . Teaching from home or by Skype/or Zoom. As a professional teacher. I have worked all over the world with top international businesses such as Jaguar Landrover , INEOS, Arriva buses and Volkswagen Germany. I specialise in English : for university e...

Why Tutor Search?

First Tutors is the best site to meet the finest home Secondary English (Foreign Language) tutor for you. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive tutee reviews on each teacher to help you narrow your online Secondary English (Foreign Language) tutor search. We provide tutor charges up front, so there are no hidden fees. Secondary English (Foreign Language) can be a hard subject, and working with an expert English (Foreign Language) teacher can really speed up your progress!

Want to be Secondary English (Foreign Language) teacher for First Tutors?

If you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Secondary English (Foreign Language) classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. Secondary English (Foreign Language) teacher can make a positive impact in student's life. Join First Tutors today!