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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

University Entrance Exams Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help you quickly find top private University Entrance Exams tutors. If you are searching for "the best University Entrance Exams tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to locate private Entrance Exams tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Entrance Exams tutoring, so start finding your University Entrance Exams tutor today!

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  1. David

    University Entrance Exams Tutor Near Me
    I'm an approachable, professional tutor who is able to build a rapport with people from a whole range of backgrounds. I have a wide range of interests, enjoy seeing students learn new things and discover a real interest in their subjects. My approach to tutoring is to first listen to the student to ...
  2. Alex

    Private University Entrance Exams Tuition
    SPEED READING TUTOR Would you like to be able to read twice the speed? I can assure you that you can. I've discovered that your brain loves speed and gets bored and distracted if you read slowly and keep skipping back to reread. As a young person, I used to read slowly. Because I labeled myse...
  3. Robert

    University Entrance Exams Tuition Near Me
    I am an English language and literature specialist with over eight years’ tutoring experience. The vast majority of my students gain entrance to their first choice of school or university, often making dramatic improvements to their scores of several grade boundaries. I am highly familiar with th...
  4. Shubham

    Private University Entrance Exams Tutor
    MBA from the University of Oxford who loves to teach! I also have an undergraduate degree in Information Technology (Computer Science) from the University of Delhi. The greatest happiness to me is seeing the faces of my students light up with joy as they master difficult concepts and get stunning s...
  5. Dimitrina

    Home Tuition for University Entrance Exams
    I have been a university lecturer in Mathematics for more than 25 years. I have worked for 6 years at the Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester; five years at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and also at the University of Sofia. All prices listed in the subject section are approximate an...
  6. Claudine

    University Entrance Exams Lessons
    I am an internationally experienced English, Maths and Drama tutor, and have been teaching students of all ages for over a decade. My varied training and experience allows me work with you to define what you wish to achieve and tailor lessons to help you develop most effectively and efficiently. I b...
  7. Alan

    Private University Entrance Exams Tuition
    I am currently a working as a specialist Echocardiographer at the main tertiary centre for the South West, Derriford Hospital, as well as running clinics across the county of Cornwall. I hold BSE accreditation within the field of cardiac ultrasound. My role involves a range of duties including stand...
  8. Rhys

    University Entrance Exams Lessons
    I am a 30-year-old tutor, living and working in Oxfordshire. I have been tutoring since 2012. My aim is not specifically to teach - that is only one aspect of tutoring. Instead, my aim is to help a student in their own learning process - allowing students to develop their own interSince completing m...
  9. Abderrahim

    University Entrance Exams Teacher
    Award-winning PhD Candidate in Bioengineering at Imperial College with a passion for teaching and 5+ years of experience in private tutoring and teaching classes at A-levels and university level. I am currently a final year PhD Candidate in the Department of Bioengineering of Imperial College Lo...
  10. Tril

    University Entrance Exams Tutoring
    I am a successful and qualified teacher and private tutor. I have developed the highly effective Visual Maths approach to teaching and learning mathematical concepts and skills. I provide effective online one-to-one tuition. After initial assessment of my student's needs, we work together on their ...

Why Tutor Search?

First Tutors is the best place to meet the most proficient home University Entrance Exams teacher for educations needs. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each tutor to help you refine your online University Entrance Exams tutor search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. University Entrance Exams can be a challenging subject, and working with an expert Entrance Exams teacher can really speed up your progress!

Want to be University Entrance Exams tutor for First Tutors?

If you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online University Entrance Exams lessons, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. University Entrance Exams teacher can make a positive impact in tutee's life. Join First Tutors today!