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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate quality local Physics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you locate private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Physics tutoring, so start finding your private Physics tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Fergus

    Physics Tutor Near Me
    Hi! I am a recent Theoretical Physics graduate looking to tutor part time to share my love for Physics and Maths, staying sharp while I look for a PhD position. In my spare time I play the piano, sing and paint. I am equipped to teach physics and mathematics (including further mathematics) to...
  2. Harold

    Private Physics Tuition
    Worked in medical physics industry, then took up teaching. Now retired from full time lecturing. Involved in alternative energy and sustainable lifestyle. I help students to gain confidence developing what they already know into competence at their desired level. Knowledge and work produced become t...
  3. Sam

    Physics Tuition Near Me
    Hi! My name is Sam and I recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with a first class MEng, specialising in Electrical & Electronic, Systems and Control Engineering (although I studied General Engineering for the first 2 years). I am 25 years old and originally from Sheffield, worked in Ca...
  4. Abdolsamad

    Private Physics Tutor
    I'm Sam, Geoscientist and Academic Tutor currently teaching Maths & Science at MathysicsTutor Kingston. Having obtained my 3 degrees with scholarships in Science and Engineering at top universities, I have helped students at various level to unravel their full potentials and am determined to instil...
  5. Aazim

    Home Tuition for Physics
    I am a PGCE PCET qualified teacher/lecturer with years of experience. My key areas range from Sport & Exercise Science (plus all other sport courses) due to my BSc Undergraduate Degree in Sport and Exercise Science. To Health & Social Care which I have four years of experience teaching within Second...
  6. Zaynah

    Physics Lessons
    I am an Undergraduate Medical Student in my final year, who is willing to go the extra mile to help students excel and support them throughout their studies in order to achieve top grades. As an individual with a strong academic background, I can confidently claim to have achieved grades A-A* across...
  7. Khalid

    Private Physics Tuition
    I am a professional Maths and Physics Tutor with 30 years experience. I live in Wollaton, Nottingham just 3 minutes walk from 2 NCT bus routes. I have helped over 1300 children with Maths,Science and Physics. I specialise in exam preparation and have excellent references and feedback from lots of ve...
  8. Laura

    Physics Lessons
    Hi! I’m Laura, a PhD graduate in Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh. I have now been tutoring for twelve years, with excellent results. However, good results are not the outcome of a good tutor alone; they require a lot of hard work. If you are willing to get the best grades, then I am her...
  9. Bardia

    Physics Teacher
    I have recently graduated from my Masters degree course at Imperial College London studying Electronic and Information engineering and am an avid enthusiast of mathematics and the sciences. Additionally, I achieved a high first class degree (80% in my final year) with grades in the top 11% of all st...
  10. Udara

    Physics Tutoring
    I am Udara, graduated from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I have well-structured plan and I will teach you as per the understanding level of the student. I use specific techniques for teaching.

Why choose First Tutors for your Physics tutor search in the UK?

First Tutors is the best place to meet the finest local Physics tutor for you. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive pupil reviews on each instructor to help you narrow your online Physics teacher search. Physics can be an extremely challenging subject, and working with an expert Physics tutor can really speed up your progress. Regularly, already a little bit of extra Physics tuition or some extra Physics classes can make a significant impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for students. Start private tuition now and find a great Physics tutor near you today!

Become a Physics instructor in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Physics teaching, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. A teacher can make a positive impact on a student's life!