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Government and Politics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top local Government and Politics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Government and Politics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you search for private Government and Politics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Government and Politics tutoring, so start finding your private Government and Politics tutor today!

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  1. Nathan

    Government and Politics Tutor Near Me
    I graduated from Cambridge University with a 2:1 in the Human, Social and Political Sciences and have been tutoring for 5 years. Recent students have gained A*s at A-Level, 7-9s at GCSE and high scores in 11+ SATs. I believe in teaching learning techniques which give students the confidence to achie...
  2. Jonathan

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    With extensive experience as the Head of Economics at a leading independent school, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my tutoring services. As a highly effective and dedicated teacher of 20+ years, I have a proven track record of guiding students to excel in their studies, fostering bot...
  3. Ben

    Government and Politics Tuition Near Me
    Hi, I am Ben, the most reviewed and highest rated Tutor on First Tutors. You may recognize my face from a Sky TV documentary, "Who'd be a Billionaire". Or the I newspaper article published June 17th 2021. I am a full time professional tutor. I graduated from Clare College Cambridge with a 2.1 in Hi...
  4. Nathan

    Private Government and Politics Tutor
    Cambridge History graduate and tutor for over nine years. Focus on essay writing, exam practice, and argument. Can review and mark exam papers at length across every exam board. Available 24/7 for on-demand help. During the summer I also work as an examiner. Students learn more by discussion, debate...
  5. Jack

    Home Tuition for Government and Politics
    I am a North-West London based tutor of Politics, alongside my other profession as a creative. Having studied Government and Politics at AS/A2 level (A* Grade, alongside History and Maths, both A Grade) I then went on to the Degree course in Politics and International Relations at the University of...
  6. Greg

    Government and Politics Lessons
    Senior Examiner with 24 years experience teaching Geography and Head of Department. Helping students achieve outstanding grades by assessing how you learn. Getting the grades is not the hard part. It`s understanding what the examiners are looking for in your answers that is. I`m an examiner with ove...
  7. Holly

    Private Government and Politics Tuition
    As a Cambridge University graduate I have personal experience in passing exams at the very highest levels. I am passionate about the subjects I teach and thoroughly enjoy my work as a tutor. As a mum myself, I understand the desire to want your child to achieve their full potential, but I am also yo...
  8. Matthew

    Government and Politics Lessons
    I am a University Challenge winner, a first-class Oxford graduate, and the recipient of a full Ivy League scholarship. As a specialist A level, IB, and university-level tutor, I have a decade of experience helping my students succeed in History, English, and other humanities. My advice on university...
  9. Jeff

    Government and Politics Teacher
    I am a fully-qualified professional teacher with more than 30 years of teaching and tutoring experience, both in the UK and abroad. I regard myself as a friendly and approachable tutor, as well as honest and conscientious, and I pride myself on being able to communicate with students of all ages, fr...
  10. Asad

    Government and Politics Tutoring
    I'm a University of Cambridge double scholarship-winner in Social and Political Sciences; a qualified corporate lawyer; an award-winning, Wired-featured journalist for South Korean digital newspaper OhmyNews; and the designer and creator of Higher Grades Faster!®, the world's best academic success a...

Why choose First Tutors for your Government and Politics tutor search in the UK?

This is the only place to search the best local Government and Politics tutor for your educational needs. Each teacher is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we provide extensive tutee reviews on each tutor to help you narrow your online Government and Politics teacher search. Government and Politics can be a difficult subject, and working with an expert Government and Politics teacher can really speed up your progress. Often, already a little bit of extra Government and Politics tuition or some extra Government and Politics classes can make a huge impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for you. Start private tuition today and find a professional Government and Politics tutor near you today!

Become a Government and Politics teacher in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online tutor wishing to offer your online Government and Politics classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. A tutor can make a positive impact on a student's life!