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Private Physics and Chemistry Tutor in Chiswick

I am a graduated with a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology. This academic course allowed me to acquire a deep knowledge in key subjects such as Biology and Pharmacology as well as different branches of Chemistry (Organic, Inorganic, Pharmaceutical, etc.).

Tutoring Experience

I started to offer private lessons to students from high school and university while attending my academic course. Ever since, I have always tried to use my spare time teaching and helping pupils out, whether they were struggling in Biology, Chemistry or other scientific subjects.
I am currently tutoring GCSE and A-Level students in Chemistry, Biology, Italian, and I would be pleased to take on board new ones!

Tutoring Approach

Since I started tutoring, I still show the same enthusiasm and passion for teaching, trying to inspire and make the pupils curious on what they are studying. Moreover, by doing this job for many years, I learned how to focus on the difficulties that the pupil is going through and how to find alternative ways to overcome those in order to get results.

"A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron."

LanguagesEnglish (British), Italian
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Catania2013MastersMaster's Degree in Pharmacy
High School 2006CollegeScientific Diploma

Paolo's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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